According to the answers received, disqualification of the horse involved in the positive cases was systematic in all countries except in the netherlands, oman and in the united states, were some states automatically disqualify the horse, while in others, the decision taken depends on the circumstances of the case.
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NASH JF, MELTZER HY, GUDELSKY GA. Effect of 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on 3, 4dihydroxyphenylalanine accumulation in the striatum and nucleus accumbens. J Neurochem 1990, 54 : 1062-1067 NASH JF, NICHOLS DE. Microdialysis studies on 3, 4-methylenedioxyamphetamine and structurally related analogues. Eur J Pharmacol 1991, 200 : 53-58 NASH JF, ARORA RC, SCHREIBER MA, MELTZER HY. Effect of 3, 4methylenedioxymethamphetamine on [3H]paroxetine binding in the frontal cortex and blood platelets of rats. Biochem Pharmacol 1991, 41 : 79-84 NASH JF, ROTH BL, BRODKIN JD, NICHOLS DE, GUDELSKY GA. Effect of the R - ; and S + ; isomers of MDA and MDMA on phosphotidyl inositol turnover in cultured cells expressing 5-HT 2A ; or 5-HT 2C ; receptors. Neurosci Lett 1994, 177 : 111-115 NICHOLS DE. Differences between the mechanism of action of MDMA, MBDB and the classic hallucinogens. Identification of a new therapeutic class : entactogens. J Psychoactive Drugs 1986, 18 : 305-313 OBRADOVIC T, IMEL KM, WHITE SR. Repeated exposure to methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA ; alters nucleus accumbens neuronal responses to dopamine and serotonin. Brain Res 1998, 785 : 1-9 O'CALLAGHAN JP, MILLER DB. Neurotoxicity profiles of substituted amphetamines in the C57BL 6J mouse. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1994, 270 : 741-751 PARIS JM, CUNNINGHAM KA. Lack of serotonin neurotoxicity after intraraphe microinjection of + ; - 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA ; . Brain Res Bull 1992, 28 : 115-119 PAULUS MP, GEYER MA. The effects of MDMA and other methylenedioxy-substituted phenylalkylamines on the structure of rat locomotor activity. Neuropsychopharmacol 1992, 7 : 15-31 PEROUTKA SJ. Relative insensitivity of mice to 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA ; neurotoxicity. Res Commun Subs Abuse 1988, 9 : 193-206 PIERCE PA, PEROUTKA SJ. Ring-substituted amphetamine interactions with neurotransmitter receptor binding sites. Neurosci Letts 1988, 95 : 208-212 REMPEL NL, CALLAWAY CW, GEYER MA. Serotonin 1B ; receptor activation mimics behavioral effects of presynaptic serotonin release. Neuropsychopharmacol 1993, 8 : 201-211 RICAURTE GA, FINNIGAN KF, NICHOLS DE, DELANNEY LE, IRWIN I, LANGSTON JW. 3, 4methylendioxyethylamphetamine, a novel analogue of MDMA, produces long-lasting depletion of sérotonin in the rat brain. Eur J Pharmacol 1987, 137 : 265-268 RICAURTE GA, DELANNEY LE, IRWIN I, LANGSTON JW. Toxic effects of MDMA on central serotonergic neurons in the primate : Importance of route and frequency of drug administration. Brain Res 1988a, 446 : 165-168 RICAURTE GA, FORNO LS, WILSON MA, DELANNEY LE, IRWIN I et coll. + - ; 3, 4Methylenedioxymethamphetamine selectively damages central serotonergic neurons in nonhuman primates. J Med Assoc 1988b, 260 : 51-55 RICAURTE GA, DELANNEY LE, WIENER SG, IRWIN I, LANGSTON JW. 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid in cerebrospinal fluid reflects serotonergic damage induced by 3, 4methylenedioxymethamphetamine in CNS of non-human primates. Brain Res 1988c, 474 : 359-363 RICAURTE GA, MARTELLO AL, KATZ JL, MARTELLO MB. Lasting effects of + - ; -3, 4methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA ; on central serotonergic neurons in nonhuman primates : Neurochemical observations. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1992, 261 : 616-622 RUDNICK G, WALL SC. The molecular mechanism of 'ecstasy' [3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA ; ] : Serotonin transporters are targets for MDMA-induced serotonin release. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 1992, 89 : 1817-1821 RUDNICK G, WALL SC. Non-neurotoxic amphetamine derivatives release serotonin through serotonin transporters. Mol Pharmacol 1993, 43 : 271-276.
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Rapide rappel des modifications majeures de la loi du 4 mai 2004 en matière de négociation collective : -La conclusion des accords collectifs soumise au principe majoritaire ; -Les conflits de normes entre accords de différents niveaux ; -La consécration des accords de groupe ; -Les obligations d'information des salariés quant au statut collectif applicable. 2 ; Apports de la loi du 18 janvier 2005 quant au comité d'entreprise -Signature de l'ordre du jour -Accords de méthode 3 ; Droit syndical -Communication travers la messagerie électronique des salariés -Liberté d'expression syndicale et confidentialité des informations données par l'entreprise 4 ; Le statut protecteur -L'application durant la période d'essai ; -La prise d'acte de la rupture par le salarié protégé.
ANUS v anal ANXIéTé tt Ann Peditr 92; 39: 339 médicamenteux ; AORTE anévrysme v sclérose tub ; Ann Pédiatr 83; 30: 27 dix ans après interv. pour coarc ; arcs aortiques anom ; JPP 75: 331 Arch Pédiatr 98; 5 4: complexe ; cervicale Ann Pédiatr 77; 24: 109 coarctation JPP 90: 117 AFP 87 1: 21 prostaglandine ; Ann Pédiatr 8 35: isolée ; Arch Pédiatr 98; 5 6: ischémie médull post-chir ; + 99; 6 11: & aplasie cutanée scalp ; fistule aortopulmonaire Ann Pédiatr 80; 27: 457 sténoses sus-valvulaire JPP 66: 57 "APECED" S. ; [polyendocrinopathie autoimmune; candidose; dystrophie ectodermique: ongles, cheveux, émail dentaire.] Ann Pédiatr 96; 43 3: hépatite ; Arch Pédiatr 03; 10 2: hyponatrémie ; APGAR score ; géné Arch Pédiatr 02; 9 8: valeur dans anoxie nn? ; APHASIE & psychose, épilepsie Ann Pédiatr 90; 37: 391 & syndrome de Landau-Kleffner JPP 90: 155 acquise ; APHTES bucaux Pédiatr Prat 96 78: 1 APLASIE MéDULLAIRE géné MI 91 2: 125 acquise JPP 02: 177 constitutionnelle JPP 96: 145 + 02: 179 APLASIE DU MUSCLE TRIANGULAIRE DES LèVRES syndrome cardiofacial de Cayler ; V. TRIANGULAIRE. APNéES -DU NOURRISSON & naphtazoline AFP92; 49 8: 759 l -OBSTRUCTIVES & croissance AFP 93; 50 6: retard de croissance, 2 k ; du sommeil Ann Pédiatr 91; 38: 688 + 92; 39: 513 Arch Pédiatr 00; 7 9: 961 & hypertrophie amygdalienne ; & 10: 1088 map ; + 02; 9 4: variabilité sinusale ; ] -DU PRéMATURé et du NOUVEAU-Né apnées& bradycardies ; géné PNN81: 1-69 ns + 97: 33-90ns JPP 81: 109 J Pédiatr Puér 00; 13 1: 67 retentissement cérébral: hémodynamique et EEG PNN 96: 43 épileptiques AFP 83; 40 9: & malaises précoces du nn préma PNN 96: 52 prospect 1 an, 316k ; & infections resp AFP 86 3: 187 chlamidia ; expérimentales PNN84: 274 agneau ; PNN82: 248 agneau ; larynx PNN 96: 13 & RGO JPP 88: 111 PNN 96: 66 tardives PNN 05; 25: 353 tt géné Arch Pédiatr 98; 5 JPP 00: 341 J Pédiatr Puér 02; 15 1: caféine AFP90 10: 763 l ; AFP90 3: 220 transcutanée ; Méd Clin Pédiatr 02; 1 n ; débit sang céréb baisse ; Méd Clin Pédiatr 02; 1 2: n ; & sommeil ; Arch Pédiatr 03; 10 6: monohydratée ; & 8: 734 l ; caféine contre théophylline PNN85: 196 AFP 90; 47 6: caféine et théophylline AFP 85; 42 6: taux nn sous théo seule ; caféine et perte de sel AFP 88 7: 514 Doxapram vct théophylline& perte de sel AFP 82 7: 419 stimulation olfactive Arch Pédiatr 05; 12 a ; APOLIPOPROTéINES géné MI 81; 88 5: A B Pédiatrie 90; 45 4: APONéVROSITE éosinophiles AJDC-jp 84; 3 26: nécrosante du scalp AJDC-jp 82; 1 5 et mobic online.
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21. MALBERG, J.E., SEIDEN, L.S. 1998 ; . Small changes in ambient temperature cause large changes in 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA ; induced serotonin neurotoxicity and core body temperature in the rat. J. Neurosci. 18 : 5086-5094. 22. McCANN, U.D., MERTL, M., ELIGULASHVILI, V., RICAURTE, G.A. 1999 ; . Cognitive performance in + - ; 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA, Ecstasy ; users : a controlled study. Psychopharmacol. Berl. ; 143 : 417-425. 23. McCANN, U.D., RIDENOUR, A., SHAHAM, Y., RICAURTE, G.A. 1994 ; . Serotonin neuro-toxicity after + - ; 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA; Ecstasy ; : a controlled study in humans. Neuropsychopharmacol. 10 : 129-138. 24. McCANN, U.D., SZABO, Z., SCHEFFEL, U., DANNALS, R.F., RICAURTE, G.A. 1998 ; . Positron emission tomographic evidence of toxic effect of MDMA Ecstasy ; on brain serotonin neurons in human beings. Lancet 352 : 1433-1437. 25. MONTOYA, A.G., SORRENTINO, R., LUKAS, S.E., PRICE, B.H. 2002 ; . Long-term neuro-psychiatric consequences of "Ecstasy" MDMA ; : A review. Harv. Rev. Psychiatry 10 : 212-220. 26. O'CONNELL, T., KAYE, L., PLOSAY, J.J., III 2000 ; . Gamma-hydroxybutyrate GHB ; : a newer drug of abuse. Am. Fam. Physician 62 : 2478-2483. 27. O'SHEA, E., COLADO, M.I. 2003 ; . Is frequent dosing with ecstasy a risky business for dopa-mine-containing neurons ? Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 24 : 272-274. 28. OBROCKI, J., SCHMOLDT, A., BUCHERT, R., ANDRESEN, B., PETERSEN, K., THOMASIUS, R. 2002 ; . Specific neurotoxicity of chronic use of ecstasy. Toxicol. Lett. 127 : 285-297. 29. PARROTT, A.C., BUCHANAN, T., SCHOLEY, A.B., HEFFERNAN, T., LING, J., RODGERS, J. 2002 ; . Ecstasy MDMA attributed problems reported by novice, moderate and heavy recreational users. Hum. Psychopharmacol. 17: 309-312. 30. PEDERSEN, N.P., BLESSING, W.W. 2001 ; . Cutaneous vasoconstriction contributes to hyperthermia induced by 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine Ecstasy ; in conscious rabbits. J. Neurosci. 21 : 8648-8654. 31. PRICE, L.H., RICAURTE, G.A., KRYSTAL, J.H., HENINGER, G.R. 1989 ; . Neuroendocrine and mood responses to intravenous L-tryptophan in 3, 4methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA ; users. Preliminary observations . Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 46 : 20-22. 32. RICAURTE, G.A., DELANNEY, L.E., WIENER, S.G., IRWIN, I., LANGSTON, J.W. 1988 ; . 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in cerebrospinal fluid reflects serotonergic damage induced by 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in CNS of non-human primates. Brain Res. 474 : 359-363. 33. RICAURTE, G.A., FINNEGAN, K.T., IRWIN, I., LANGSTON, J.W. 1990 ; . Aminergic metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid of humans previously exposed to MDMA : preliminary observa-tions. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 600 : 699-708.
Hypophosphorous acid and many of its salts can be used in clandestine laboratories, the most common being sodium hypophosphite. Detailed recipes describing the production of methamphetamine using red phosphorus, white phosphorus and hypophosphorous acid can be easily found on the Internet. Red and white phosphorus and hypophosphorous acid have many industrial applications. Red phosphorus is used in the manufacture of pyrotechnics, safety matches, phosphoric acid and other phosphorus compounds, fertilizers, incendiary shells, smoke bombs, tracer bullets, and pesticides. White phosphorus is used in the industry in the production of phosphorus derivatives. Hypophosphorous acid is used in the bleaching industry and as a colour stabilization or decolouring agent for plastics, synthetic fibers primarily polyester ; and chemicals. It also has applications as a reducing agent and an antioxidant et achat de nabumetone.
Methamphetamine est un médicament qui produit aussi des changements chimiques dans le cerveau.
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