


[21] 2, 262, 432 [13] A1 [51] Int.Cl. 6C12N15 49 6A61K48 00 6C7K14 16 6A61K39 [25] EN [54] HIV P-17 PEPTIDE FRAGMENT, COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING AND METHODS FOR PRODUCING AND USING SAME [54] FRAGMENT PEPTIDIQUE P-17 DU VIH, COMPOSITIONS LE CONTENANT ET PROCEDE DE PRODUCTION ET D'UTILISATION DE CELUI-CI [72] ZIMMERMAN, Daniel H., US [72] SARIN, Prem S., US [71] VIRAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC., US [85] 1999-02-04 [86] 1997-08-08 PCT US97 13900 ; [87] 1998-02-19 WO98 06429 ; [30] US 08 695, 301 ; 1996-08-09 [30] US 08 824, 800 ; 1997-03-26.
MEDROL.T-2 medroxyprogesterone acet .T-93 mefloquine hcl. T-50 Mefoxin. T-20 MEFOXIN .T-20 Megace. T-48 MEGACE.T-48 MEGACE ES .T-48 megestrol l'acétate .T-48 Mellaril. T-96 meloxicam .T-6 MENACTRA .T-110 MENEST.T-74 MENOMUNE-A C Y W-135. T-110 MENOSTAR.T-74 MENTAX .T-37 meperidine hcl t-9 MEPERIDINE HCL .T-9 meperidine hcl pf .T-9 meprobamate. T-56 MEPRON.T-50 mercaptopurine .T-48 MERREM .T-21 MERUVAX II VACCIN W le Diluant T110 mesalamine .T-40 mesna .T-86 Mesnex. T-86 MESNEX .T-86 Mestinon .T-91 MESTINON.T-91 METADATE le CD .T-14 Metadate Er. T-14 METADATE ER .T-14 Metaglip .T-30 METAGLIP .T-31 metaproterenol le sulfate .T-107 metformin hcl .T-29 la méthadone hcl .T-10 methazolamide .T-63 methenamine hippurate. T-109 methenamine mandelate. T-109 METHERGINE.T-91 methimazole .T-107 METHITEST .T-13 methocarbamol .T-103.
1 Westoff CF, Bankole A. Trends in demand for family limitation in developing countries. Int Fam Plann Perspect 2000; 26: 56-62. Stanback J, Mbonye A, LeMelle J, et al. Final Report: Safety and Feasibility of Community-Based Distribution of Depo Provera in Nakasongola, Uganda. Research Triangle Park, NC: Family Health International, 2005; Bhatia S, Mosley WH, Faruque ASG, et al. The Matlab Family PlanningHealth Services Project. Stud Fam Plann 1980; 11: 202-12; Fernandez VH, Montufar E, Ottolenghi E, et al. Injectable contraceptive service delivery provided by volunteer community promoters. Article non publié. Population Council, 1997. 3 Prata N, Vahidnia F, Potts M, et al. Revisiting community-based distribution programs: are they still needed? Contraception 2005; 72 6 ; : 402-7. 4 Phillips JF, Hossain MB, Huque AA, et al. A case study of contraceptive introduction: domiciliary depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate services in rural Bangladesh. In Segal SJ, Tsui AO, Rogers SM, eds. Demographic and Programmatic Consequences of Contraceptive Innovations Reproductive Biology ; . New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1989. 5 Fernandez VH, Montufar E, Ottolenghi E, et al. Injectable contraceptive service delivery provided by volunteer community promoters. Article non publié. Population Council, 1997. 6 Stanback J, Mbonye A, LeMelle J, et al. Final Report: Safety and Feasibility of Community-Based Distribution of Depo Provera. Research Triangle Park, NC: Family Health International, 2006. 7 Munjanja OK, Kibuka S, Dovol D. The nursing workforce in sub-Saharan Africa. The Global Nursing Review Initiative. Issue 7. Geneva, Switzerland: International Council of Nurses, 2005. 8 World Health Organization WHO ; . Working Together for Health: The World Health Report 2006. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2006. 29-2-10, 29-2-13, 29-2-1it p t. R 51 ; g02b 6 44 r g02b 6 32!
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